Calorie Charts >> Meals, Entrees and Side Dishes >> Stagg Brand Canned Entrees

Number of displayed food(s) - 5

Serving SizeCaloriesFat (g)Carbohydrates (g)Protein (g)
STAGG Classic Chili with Beans, canned entree
100g 131.00 6.61 11.83 6.97
1 cup 323.57 16.33 29.22 17.22
1 serving 323.57 16.33 29.22 17.22
STAGG Country Chili with Beans, canned entree
100g 129.00 6.38 11.74 6.27
1 cup 318.63 15.76 29.00 15.49
1 serving 318.63 15.76 29.00 15.49
STAGG Dynamite Chili with Beans, canned entree
100g 135.00 6.22 12.44 7.40
1 cup 333.45 15.36 30.73 18.28
1 serving 333.45 15.36 30.73 18.28
STAGG Ranchhouse Chili with Beans, canned entree
100g 115.00 3.61 12.78 7.78
1 cup 284.05 8.92 31.57 19.22
1 serving 284.05 8.92 31.57 19.22
STAGG SILVERADO Chili with Beans, canned entree
100g 92.00 1.13 13.39 7.29
1 cup 227.24 2.79 33.07 18.01
1 serving 227.24 2.79 33.07 18.01